Resources - Jesus Loves me!

This page has some general concepts that you may find useful.

There are also some limited copyright issues, which are towards the bottom of that page here. Please do read them. They are not complex!

I also make some comments about the source of material - again please read, especially if you recognise your material! I mean no offense.

There is also an Alphabetical list of resources here

This is a responsive prayer. The responses can be accompanied by the makaton signs for Jesus, Loves Me


Leader: Isn't it incredible ...

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: Wherever I go

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: Whatever I do

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: In the morning when I get up

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: When I go to (day centre, work, sheltered workshop - substitute the relevant thing)

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: All through the day

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: All through the night

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: When I am happy or when I am sad

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: When I am excited, or when I am frightened

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: Throughout all my life

People: Jesus loves me!

Leader: Isn't it incredible ...

People: Jesus loves me!
