Resources - Psalm 116

Please do feel free to adapt this as you need.

This page has some general concepts that you may find useful.

There are also some limited copyright issues, which are towards the bottom of that page here. Please do read them. They are not complex!

I also make some comments about the source of material - again please read, especially if you recognise your material! I mean no offense.

There is also an Alphabetical list of resources here

This is a lovely adaptation of Psalm 116 and can be used to encourage people to trust God even when things do not look too good!  It can also be great fun!  Encourage flag waving, shouting, stamping, shaking instrumenst etc in the relevant places!

When you say (and it comes up on the slides) "When everything goes wrong" ask everyone to give a big sigh!

When you say (and it comes up on the slides) "God will help me!" get everyone to shout, "Yeah!!" bang instruments, clap, etc etc!!

Number below correspond to the accompanying Powerpoint Presentation.

(1)  A introductory slide, perhaps to show whilst you do a practice run!

(2) When everything goes wrong (SIGH)

God will help me (YEAH!)

(3) I love God

(4) God listens to me when I am in trouble

(5) When everything goes wrong (SIGH)

God will help me (YEAH!)

(6) I prayed to God

(7) I asked God to save me and he did

(8) When everything goes wrong (SIGH)

God will help me (YEAH!)

(9) I will praise God for he has helped me

(10) When everything goes wrong (SIGH)

God will help me (YEAH!)

(11) If I ask God to help me will he help me?

(12) YES, God will help me when I ask him to help me

(13) When everything goes wrong (SIGH)

God will help me (YEAH!)