Resources - Do not worry


This is an interactive rendetion of Matthew 6:25

All you need is a loud voice!

There are two responses

  • Yes
  • No

You will need to devise a sign that tells people what to shout.  When we did it, 'Yes' was  a punch in the air, and 'No' was a hand held out signifying "stop".  We always encourage our folk to shout and make as much noise as possible - but up to you!


Do not worry about your life.

Do not worry about what you will eat.

Do not worry about what you will drink.

Do not worry about your body.

Do not even worry about clothes.

Your life is more important than food and drink and clothes.

Look at the birds.  Does God feed the birds?


You are more valuable than the birds.

Look at how beautiful the flowers are.  God clothes then in bright colours.

Will God make sure you have enough clothes?


God will make sure you have enough to wear. You are more valuable than the flowers.

So should we worry about having enough food?


Should we worry about having enough to drink?


Should we worry about having enough clothes to wear?


Surely we can worry about something?


God loves us, so there is no need to worry about anything.

There is even no need to worry about what is going to happen tomorrow.